mp3 landfill updated 2023-03-27 various sounds of various qualities. likely not good. pro tip! audio can be loud. check your volume levels before hitting play. 2024-01-10T14-28-58 piezostacks [86].wav lil thing made with a demo sample of a diy contact mic on my grand piano. (dated 2024-01-10T14:28) dxm.flac 2023-03-27T20:29. experiments based on an album lost to time. altatodal.flac "altatódal" ~ wanted a break from breakcore madness, so i made this for my boyfriend. the melody is from the theme song of an old hungarian folk tale cartoon series. when i sent this to frankie they teared up in nostalgia. mission success? (dated 2023-01-23T15:51) boot.flac first thing i ever made in renoise. dated 2023-01-10T17:02. lastchrimbo.wav dated 2021-11-16T12:17. i've tried to make a shitty tongue-in-cheek christmas album like twice now and never got around to it. ah well Nichijou.mp3 buddy holly nightcore, circa 2020-10-13. found in discord archives